History: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ version 1.0 Initial Release 01/24/93 version 1.1 Second Release Added support for BBS's using the ARJ 02/01/93 compression method. version 1.2 Third Release Added Auto-truncation for 02/12/93 sysops 02/12/93 that prefer low maintenance. version 1.3 Fixed problem when scanning files over 1 12/01/93 meg, or internal files over 1 meg. Dates should now appear correctly in the Filestat line of the file description for these files. version 1.4 Basically a maintenance release, trimmed 01/01/94 several bytes from the .EXE file. Should be slightly faster, plus this release will make fewer trips to your hard drive. version 1.5 Previous versions would not work with 02/11/94 archived files that had a comment header that contained an EOF marker (ascii 26). Previous versions required you to correct this problem before running FILESTAT. FILESTAT will now work around the EOF marker in either ARJ or the ZIP format. *NO* CHANGES TO YOUR FILES SHOULD NOW BE NECESSARY! version 1.6á1 BETA Release!! SF 3.5's unlimited file line 07/31/94 description capability forced a total rewrite of one complete section of code. This release should allow for any number of multiple lines. Removed the Auto-Truncate feature, which should now be unnecessary. Also fixed what may have been a problem with newer versions of ARJ and memory. This version has been tested with ARJ v2.41, and will operate correctly with 250K free before executing FILESTAT. SEVERAL things have either been re-written, or changed in this version. Please report any problems. version 1.6á2 Found yet another problem when 08/01/94 processing the last couple lines in SFFILES.BBS under a certain situation. Problem fixed. version 1.6á3 Last line in file still being duplicated 08/03/94 in some situations. I've now attacked this from another angle, seems to have taken care of the problem. (fingers crossed...)